Monday, January 26, 2009

From: Jenny M., Austin, TX

TMO's brothers Marty and Moose and his nephew Jake just left my house. Hugging them felt just like hugging TMO, it was great. Even Leonard seemed so happy to see them, like they smelled like TMO or something.

They were SO HAPPY to see the blog. It made their day, and I left them the URL so they could go back and read more stuff as people post it. Please let people know how happy his family is to see these stories and photos and to keep them coming! 

They said they know it will be hard for people to talk at the service, but this is just the kind of story they hope people will get up and tell on Thursday. They also asked if people have photos of TMO, especially ones of him and his bike, they would love to display them at the service. They don't have any of him and his bike and they know it was his greatest pleasure, and want that stuff there if anyone can bring it, and anyo thers people want to share (they loved that one of him on his board with that big old hair). Also, if anyone has any recordings of Sofa Kingdom or any recordings of TMO playing, they would love to have copies they can listen to. Moose said he had never heard TMO play. 

Much love,


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