Saturday, February 21, 2009

TMO @ the Dip


  1. strange,"you never what you've got till it's gone" has a whole new meaning. I never realized how many pictures(photographs)I have until I started looking at and for photos of T.Mo.
    I have pictures of people just sitting around,walking but mostly skateboarding?
    This one of T.Mo was taken Feb.7th 1992 and I titled the set of photos "T.Mo changing the shape of the curbs"

  2. WOW! No posts or comments for quite awhile?
    How about some funny stories about how T.Mo ate? My mom would freak out because he would mix everything into a BIG mush and put it on a flour tortilla.

  3. TMO came to visit my extended family with me in Boston Massachusetts one summer and I took him over to my Sitoo's (Lebanese for Grandma) house. She had a massive spread of traditional Lebanese food which we proceeded to pile on our plates. Right before sitting down TMO noticed a pot on a low flame on her stove. He inquisitively opened the lid to reveal a simmering pot of spaghetti sauce intended for the next evening's meal. TMO said "Oh, cool" and ladled a copious amount of it over the plate full of Leb food. My Grandmother stood there with her mouth gaping, eventually composed herself and said in her thick Boston accent "God Love him". My Grandmother equated consumption of food with Love, and TMO gave her plenty of love that visit... and yes, God does love him. Both she and my Jidoo told that story until their passing. Every summer after that one they would always ask about TMO and recount the story to whom ever was in the room. As often the case with TMO, he made a lasting impression on them:-) I hope the three of them are chowing down up there right now. - Steve Chadie
