Thursday, March 26, 2009

Damn good Vespa Mechanic


  1. I know that look. I saw it the last time TMO was helping me adjust the valves on my bike and he couldn't get a nut threaded on the valve cover assembly:-)

  2. Man, I remember when TMO bought some sticks to tune those duel carbs. He hooked it up. Plus, when i broke a clutch cable, Tmo was there to help me get that thing in. I wouldn't have made it motorcycling without him. I wish he could have lent me some of his patience. WHen I was having a meltdown and throwing shit around, he was hanging out figuring things out.

  3. Yeah, he gave me those sticks (feeler gauges) in December when we finished tweaking the valves last time along with a 12mm BMW wrech. I just came across them today while rummaging around in my toolbox. He said he had not needed them since he bought the GS. He was always more than generous when it came to helping out friends. Don't know if I have the patience to do it myself, though. Minute mechanical adjustments aren't my strong point.

  4. this pic of T.Mo is when we made our own wiring harness' by taking the original ones apart, then we used better heavier gauge wire to make the new ones.We wrote the measurements on the floor and walls of the Shed!
