Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tio's dog food

After reading Dan's comment, I have to tell this story. To preface the story, TMO was a pretty sensitive dude. When eating at El Tio Lupe, T had this habit of combining all of the food on his plate into a very neat pile. He would take handfuls of chips, crush them in his hands, and mix the remainder into what looked to some like dog food, and to others a work of culinary mystery. One time eating with some friends (names withheld) he worked his magic prompiting one of the parties to ask, "Tmo, why do you have to make your food look like dog food?" I guess it grossed them out. When Tmo relayed this story to me he was bummed. He said, "I wasn't even hungry after he said that." Imagine, Tmo stopping mid-bite. He was really bummed when he told that story. I and others continued to reassure him that his method, though very different, was innovative, and regardless of what anyone said, he should enjoy his food any way he liked. The one thing I never understood though was the sausage/ fried catfish sandwich from the oyster bar. When we both lived in East Dallas, he would come by or I would call immediately after he ate one, and I would have a hard time imagining the pairing. Angela told me about his all Asian diet. You will have to ask her about that. Additionally, T always said that before I met him I thought El Fenix was the only game in town. He was right on that front, he showed me what have become my fave places on the planet...Thanks Tmo for taking me to AL's! 


  1. the Dog Food comment did bum him out, but my mom finally got where she wouldn't go to eat Mexican Food with him for along time because he mixed all his food into a big pile. She finally got over it, and I mentioned my cousin who went to High School with T.Mo that would only eat all of one thing at a time off his plate, and didn't like the different foods touching each other on the plate! I don't care how you eat, as long as you don't chew with your mouth open!

  2. People always brought up "the pile". It never really bothered me so much. I was always busy dribbling food all over myself anyway. I could eat with T, but cooking with him was always a knock down drag out fight for who would stir the pot or man the grill. Damn fire-marshal TMO.
