Damnit Dan. When I first started riding Vespa scooters, Tmo would jibe me every chance he got. "Dude, your a real mod now." "Damnit T, I aint no mod." "If your not a mod , what's up with that Specials sticker?" "What?!!!" Tmo fashioned a Specials magnet and stuck it my scooter. Now look, I have enjoyed some SKA music over the years, but.... We got a kick out of that magnet for years, trading it back and forth. It really was funny. Notice T-Mod with the Lambretta!
Matt-There is no telling how many miles we put on those damn scooters, and in the process we (me & T.Mo) became accomplished mechanics, atleast on Vespas. T.Mo used his scooter as his sole means of transportation for along time and would wear the tires off of them! I have other scooter pics of him I'll try and send your way!-Dan