Thursday, January 29, 2009

Memorial Service 1.29.2009 Update

Well were about to head out. I've heard from a bunch of folks that are gonna be there, and a few who unfortunately cannot make it. For those who don't make it, I'll take pictures and bring back some stories. Thanks again for all that you have done. I hope this blog keeps TMO around in our hearts, minds, and memories for a long time. Thanks again, much love to those who love TMO! 

m. booth


  1. I got the news about tmo this week and have to say i'am very sorry to hear of his passing. to all of his close friends and family i offer my humblest of condolences. this week i got to thinking about him and growing up in dallas in the 80's and how you couldn’t' help but know who tmo was. originally i only knew him from skating together occasionally and as a main fixture at bachman lake/ clown ramp deep ellum, scene and of course whip-n-dip. for many years he imparted his little nuggets of whit and wisdom on us, the younger kids, and as i realize now looking back he had always been a major influence of positive light in my younger years.

    around 95 or so just before i moved out west i had the great fortune of actually getting to know him for about a year. it was one of those moments when you travel in the same circles for just a second. tmo was one of the most loving and grateful students of life i can ever recall. through his love of music, skating, motorcycles and much, much more i realize, he had a profound effect on me. he was part of a sphere of influence in my life that has shaped me to this day.

    it was a pleasure to have know you tmo. rest in peace.

    dale sharpe
    san francisco california

  2. right on, his "sphere of influence" shaped me in so many positive ways. thanks
